Monday, May 15, 2017

Digital Footprint #3

My Digital Advice 

  • My Digital Advice to you is to think before you send and DELETE what you think is negative.
  • My Digital Advice to you is to Turn Off your computer When done.
  • My digital Advice to you is to  Not to follow people who don't know.
  • My digital Advice to you is to not click on add's That you don't know.

Digital Footprint #2

Think about Three websites you use. Who sees the information you share on each of those sites?

  1. Instagram(cousins and friends)
  2. Facebook(Friends and Family)
  3. Snapchat(Friends)

My friend's see my information I share because I'm following that person.

Digital Footprint #1

My Digital Footprint

What is a Digital Footprint?

The information about a  person that exists on the internet as a result of their online activity.For example: leaving behind evidence for people to see. Open Please